Publications of Kurt O. Friedrichs 1901-1982
This list includes a total of 178 publications written between 1927 and 1981.
8 books, 95 papers (journal articles), 38 lecture notes, and 37 reports.
The two volumes Selecta, edited by C. Morawetz, with 35 of the most important papers were published in 1986.
Publications are listed by year and order printed within category.
Major awards and honorary degrees are listed after the publications
[48—1] Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves, Interscience Publishers (With
R. Courant), New York, Pure § Appl. Math., 1(1948), 464 p.
Springer-Verlag, New York, Appl. Math. Sciences, 21(1976), 464 p.
[53—1] Mathematical Aspects of the Quantum Theory of Fields, Parts I—V,
Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, (1953), 272p.
[65—1] Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations, Gordon and Breach, New
York, (1965), 205 p.
[65—2] From Pythagoras to Einstein, New Math. Library, Random House,
New York, 16(1965), 88p.
[65—3] Perturbation of Spectra in Hilbert Space, A.M.S., Providence, R. I.,
Lectures in Appl. Math., 3, (1965), 178 p.
[71—1] Fluid Dynamics (With R. von Mises), Springer Int’l., Student Edition,
(1971), 353p.
[71—2] Special Topics in Fluid Dynamics, Gordon and Breach, New York,
[73—1] Spectral Theory of Operators in Hilbert Space, Appl. Math. Sciences,
Springer-Verlag, New York, (1973), 244 p.
Published Papers
[27—1] Eine invariante Formulierung des Newtonschen Gravitationsgesetzes
und des Grenzi:iberganges vom Einsteinschen zum Newtonschen
Gesetz, Math. Ann., 98(1927), 566—575.
[27—2] Die Randwert- und Eigenwertproblerne aus der Theorie der elastischen
Platten (Anwendung der direkten Methoden der Variationsrechnung),
Math. Ann., 98 (1927), 205—247.
[27—3] Über die Eindeutigkeit und das Abhiingigkeitsgebiet der L6sungen
beim Anfangswertproblem linearer hyperbolischer Differential--
gleichungen (with H. Lewy), Math. Ann. 98 (1927), 192—204.
[27—4] Die Verailgemeinerungen der Riemannschen Methode auf eine
beliebige gerade Anzahl von Dimensionen, Ges. Wiss. G6ttingen
Math.-Phys. Kiasse, (1927), 172—177.
[28—1] Das Anfangswertproblem einer beliebigen nichtlinearen hyper--
bolischen Differentialgleichung beliebiger Ordnung in zwei Variablen.
Existenz, Eindeutigkeit und Abhiingigkeitsbereich der L6sung (With
H. Lewy), Math. Ann., 99 (1928), 200—221.
[28—2] Über die partiellen Differenzengleichungen der mathematischen
Physik (With R. Courant and H. Lewy), Math. Ann., 100 (1928),
32—74. English translation [67-2] and Reports [56-2].
[29—1] Zur Berechnung freitragender Fhlgel (With T. von Karman), Zeitschr.
für Angewandte Math. und Mech., 9(1929), 261—269.
[29—2] Bemerkungen fiber die ideale Str6mung urn einen K6rper bei
verschwindender Zähigkeit, Aachener Vortriige, (1929).
[29—3] Über die angenäherte Berechnung der Strömung urn einen Propeller in
Fahrt mit unendlicher Fhlgeizahi, Zeitschr. fur Angewandte Math.
und Mech., 9 (1929), 493—494.
[29—4] Em Verfahren der Variationsrechnung, das Minimum eines Integrals
als das Maximum eines anderen Ausdruckes darzustellen, Ges. Wiss.
Göttingen, Math.-Phys. Kiasse, (1929), 13—20.
[32—1] Über fortsetzbare Anfangsbedingungen bei hyperbolischen Differential--
gleichungen in drei Veriinderlichen (With H. Lewy), Ges. Wiss.
Gdttingen, Math.-Phys. Kiasse, (1932), 135—143.
[32—2] Bemerkung zur Hadamardschen Methode bei hyperbolischen Diffe--
rentialgleichungen, Ges. Wiss. Göttingen, Math.-Phys. Klasse, (1932), 144.
[33—1] Über em Minimumproblem fflr Potentialstr6mungen mit freiem
Rande, Math. Ann., 109 (1933), 60-82.
[33—2] Die Grenzreziproke positiv definiter unendlicher Matrizen. Neuer
Beweis des Satzes von T6plitz, Math. Ann., 109 (1933), 254—256.
[34—1] Spektraltheorie halbbeschrankter Operatoren und Anwendung auf die
Spektralzerlegung von Differentialoperatoren, Math. Ann., Teil 1;
109(1934), 465—487. Teil 2; 109(1934), 685—713. Berichtigung:
110(1935), 777—779.
[34—2] Beiträge zur Theorie der Spektralschar. I. Mitteilung. Spektralschar
auf Intervallen und Spektralzerlegung unitarer Operatoren, Math.
Ann. 110 (1934), 54-62.
[35—1] Über die ausgezeichnete Randbedingung in der Spektraltheorie der
halbbeschriinkten gew6hnlichen Differentialoperatoren zweiter Ord--
flung, Math. Ann., 112 (1935), 1—23.
[35—2] Spektraltheorie linearer Differentialoperatoren, Deutsche Math. Ver.
Jahr., 45 (1935), 181—193.
[35—3] Die unitaren Invarianten selbstadjungierter Operatoren im Hilbert--
schen Raum, deutsche Math. Ver., 45 (1935), 79—82.
[37—1] On certain inequalities and characteristic value problems for analytic
functions and for functions of two variables, Trans. A.M.S., 41(1937),
[38—1] Ober die Spektralzerlegung eines Integraloperators, Math. Ann.,
115 (1938), 249—273.
[39—1] On differential operators in Hilbert spaces, Amer. J. Math.,
LXI (1939), 523—544.
[39—2] The finite Stieltjes momentum problem (With G. Horvay), Proc. Nat.
Acad. Sci. USA, 25 (1939), 528—534.
[39—3] The non-linear boundary-value problem of the buckled plate (With
J.J. Stoker), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 25 (1939), 535—540.
[41—1] On the minimum buckling load for spherical shells, Theodor
von Karman Ann’y. Volume, Caltech, Pasadena, Calif., (1941), 258—272.
[41—2] The non-linear boundary value problem of the buckled plate (With
J.J. Stoker), Amer. J. Math., LXIII (1941), 839—888.
[42—1] Integration in the complex plane, Elec. Engng., 61(1942), 139—143.
[42—2] Buckling of the circular plate beyond the critical thrust (With J.J. Stoker),
J. Appl. Mech., (1942), 7—14.
[43—1] Forced vibrations of systems with nonlinear restoring force (With
J.J. Stoker), Quartly. Appl. Math., 1(1943), 97—115.
[44—1] The identity of weak and strong extensions of differential operators,
Trans. A.M.S., 55 (1944), 132—151.
[46—1] Singular perturbations of non-linear oscillations (With W.R. Wasow),
Duke Math. J., 13(1946), 367—381.
[46—2] An inequality for potential functions, Amer. J. Math., LX VIII (1946),
5 81—5 92.
[47—1] A theorem of Lichtenstein, Duke Math. J., 14 (1947), 67—82.
[47—2] On the boundary-value problems of the theory of elasticity and Korn’s
inequality, Ann. Math., 48(1947), 441—471.
[48—l] Criteria for the discrete character of the spectra of ordinary differential
operators, R. Courant Ann’y. Volume, Interscience Publishers, Inc.,
New York, (1948), 145—160.
[48—2] Nonlinear hyperbolic differential equations for functions of two
independent variables, Amer. J. Math., LXX (1948), 555—589.
[48—3] On the derivation of the shallow water theory, Appendix to paper by
J. J. Stoker, Formation of breakers and bores, Comm. Pure Appl.
Math., 1(1948), 81—85.
[48—4] Water waves on a shallow sloping beach, Comm. Pure Appl. Math.,
1(1948), 109—134.
[48—5] The Dock Problem (With H. Lewy), Comm. Pure AppI. Math.,
1(1948), 135—148.
[48—6] Formation and decay of shock waves, Comm. Pure Appl. Math.,
1(1948), 21 1—245.
[48—7] On the non-occurence of a limiting line in transonic flow, Comm. Pure
Appl. Math., 1(1948), 287—301.
[48—8] On the perturbation of continuous spectra, Comm. Pure Appl. Math.,
1(1948), 361—406.
[49—1] The edge effect in the bending of plates, Contributions to Appl. Mech.,
Reissner Ann’y. Vol., ed. J.W. Edwards, Ann Arbor, Mich., (1949),
[49—2] The edge effect in bending and buckling of plates with large deflections,
Proc. Symp. Appl. Math., 1(1949), A.M.S., New York, 188—193.
[50—1] Kirchoff’s boundary conditions and the edge effect for elastic plates,
Proc. of Symposia Appl. Math., 111(1950), Elasticity, eds.
R. V. Churchill, Eric Reissner, and A. H. Taub, McGraw-Hill Book
Co., New York, 117—124.
[50—2] Criteria for discrete spectra, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., III (1950),
[50—3] Spectral representation of the one dimensional wave operator, (1950),
Appendix in: Franz Rellich, Spectral theory of a second-order ordinary
differential operator, (1950-51), 143—159.
[51—1] Mathematical aspects of the quantum theory of fields, Part I. Field
Operators and Part II. Particle Representation, Comm. Pure Appl.
Math., IV (1951), 161—224.
[52—1] Zur asymptotischen Beschreibung von Streuprozessen, Nachr. Akad.
Wiss. Göttingen, Math.-Phys. Kl. Math.-Phys.-Chem. Abt. Klasse,
7(1952), 43—50.
[52—2] Mathematical aspects of the quantum theory of fields, III. Boson Field
in Interaction With a given Source Distribution, Comm. Pure Appl.
Math., V(1952), 1—56.
[53—1] Mathematical aspects of the quantum theory of fields, IV. Occupation
Number Representation and Fields of Different Kinds, Comm. Pure
Appi. Math., V(1953), 349—411.
[53—2] Mathematical aspects of the quantum theory of fields, V. Fields
Modified by Linear Homogeneous Forces, Comm. Pure Appl. Math.,
VI (1953), 1—72.
[53—3] Fundamentals of Poincare’s theory, Proc. Symp. on Nonlinear Circuit
Analysis, New York, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, New York,
(1953), 56—67.
[53—4] On the differentiability of the solutions of linear elliptic differential
equations, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., VI (1953), 299—326.
[54—1] Symmetric hyperbolic linear differential equations, Comm. Pure Appl.
Math., VII (1954), 345—392.
[54—2] The existence of solitary waves (With D. H. Hyers), Comm. Pure Appl.
Math., VII (1954), 517—550.
[54—3] Mathematical aspects of flow problems of hyperbolic type, Gen. Theo.
High Speed Hydrodynamics, VI (1954), 3 1—60.
[55—1] Differential forms on Riemannian manifolds, Comm. Pure Appl.
Math., VIII (1955), 551—590.
[55—2] Asymptotic phenomena in mathematical physics (Gibbs Lecture),
Bull. A.M.S. 61(1955), 485—504.
[55—3] Geometrical Acoustics, II, Diffraction, reflection and refraction of a
weak spherical or cylindrical shock at a plane interface (With
J.B. Keller), J. Appl. Phys., XXVI (1955), 961—966.
[55—4] Nichtlineare Differentialgleichungen, Vortrage Gehalten in
Göttingen, (Lectures given in Gottingen), (1955).
[55—5] On differential forms, Bull. A.M.S., 61(1955), 289—290.
[56—1] The rolling up of a vortex sheet, J. Appl. Math., VII (1956), 326—342.
[57—1] Integration over Hilbert space and outer extensions (With
H.N. Shapiro), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 43(1957), 336—338.
[5 8—1] Symmetric positive linear differential equations, Comm. Pure Appl.
Math., XI (1958), 333—418.
[59—1] Remarques sur l’interpretation des fonctionelles dans l’espace
d’Hilbert, Les Problemes Mathematiques de la Theorie Quantique des
Champs, Colloque, Lille, (1957), Coll. Int’l. Ctr. Rech. Sci.,
LXXV (1959), 139—145.
[60—1] Boundary problems of linear differential equations independent of
type, Boundary problems in diff. equations, ed. R.D. Langer, Univ. of
Wisconsin Press, Madison, (1960), 3—9.
[60—2] Pinch buckling, IUTAM Symp. on MFD, Williamsburg, Va. and
Washington, D.C., Rev. Mod. Phys., 32 (1960), 889—897.
[60—3] Perturbation of Spectra in Hilbert Space, Lectures in Applied
Mathematics, ed. Mark Kac, Proc. of Summer Seminar, Boulder,
Cob., III (1960), A.M.S., Providence, R.I., (1965), l’78p.
[61—1] A boundary-layer theory for elastic plates (With R.F. Dressler),
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., XIV (1961), 1—33.
[61—2] Differential equations of symmetric type, Fluid Dynamics and Appl.
Math., Proc. Symp., Univ. of Maryland, (1961), Gordon and Breach,
New York, (1962), 51—65.
[62—1] On a perturbation through which a discrete spectrum becomes
continuous (With P. Rejto), Comm. Pure Appl. Math., XV (1962),
[62—2] On the wave function renormalization in a simple model (With
A. Galindo), Comm. Pure Appl. Math., XV (1962), 427—442.
[63—1] Accretive problems of linear differential equations, Joint Soviet-
American Symp. PDE, Novosibirsk, Acad. Sic. USSR Siberian
Branch, Moscow, (1963), 308—315.
[65—1] Boundary value problems for first order operators (With P. D. Lax),
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., XVIII (1965), 355—388.
[66—1] A finite difference scheme for generalized Neumann problems (With
H.B. Keller), Numerical Solutions of PDE; ed. J.H. Bramble, Proc.
Symp., Univ. of Maryland, (1965), Academic Press, Inc., New York,
(1966), 1—19.
[66—2] Spectral Perturbation Phenomena, Perturbation Theory and Its
Application in Quantum Mechanics, Proc. Adv. Sem. Math. Res.
Center, U.S. Army, Theoretical Chem. Inst., Univ. of Wisconsin,
Madicon, (1965), ed. C.H. Wilcox, John Wiley § Sons, Inc., NewYork,
(1966), 35—47.
[66—3] Boundary problems for symmetrizable differential equations, Proc.
Katata Conf. on Theory of PDE’s and Theory of Complex Manifolds,
(1966), Kyoto University, (1967), 1—10.
[67—1] On symmetrizable differential operators (With P. D. Lax), Singular
Integrals, ed. Alberto P. Calderon, Proc. Symp. Pure Math., Chicago,
Ill., (1966), A.M.S., Providence, R.I., 10 (1967), 128—137.
[67—2] On the partial difference equations of mathematical physics (With
R. Courant and H. Lewy), Translated by Phyllis Fox from the original
[28—2], I.B.M. J. Res. Dev., 11(1967), 215—234.
[67—3] Boundary problems for symmetrizable differential equations, Proc.
Katata Conf. Theory of PDE and Theory of Complex Manifolds,
(1966), Kyoto University, Res. Inst. for Math. Sciences, (1967), 1—10.
[69—1] Differential equation problems of classical mathematical physics,
Lecture Series in Differential Equations, ed. by A. K. Aziz, van
Nostrand, New York, (1969), 52—62.
[69—2] A limiting process leading to the equations of relativistic and
nonrelativistic fluid dynamics, La Magnetohydrodynamique
Classique et Relativiste, Colloque, Lille, (1969), 177—188, Editions
Centre Nat. Recherche Sci., Paris, (1970).
[69—3] Vozmushchenie spektra operatorov v gil’bertovom prostranstve,
Perevod s angl. V.S. Buslaeva, pod. red. L. D. Faddeeva, Moskva, Mir,
(1969), Z32p.
[70—1] On Clarkson’s inequalities, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., XXIII (1970),
[7 1—1] Systems of conservation equations with a convex extension (With
P.D. Lax), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 68(1971), 1686-1688.
[71—21 Pseudodifferentialoperatoren Symmetrisierbare Differential-
-gleichungsprobleme. Elliptische Differentialgleichungen Band II,
Kol-loquium, Berlin, (1969), ed. G. Anger, Akademic-Verlag, (1971), 1-14.
[72—1] Symmetric hyperbolicity and conservation laws, Continuum Mech--
anics and Related Problems of Analysis, (In Russian: Mekhanika
Sploshnoi sredy i Rodstvennye Problemy Analiza), Moskva, Nauka,
(1972), 577—580.
[74—1] On the differentiability of solutions of accretive linear differential
equations, Contributions to Analysis, collection of papers ded. to
Lipman Bers, Academic Press, New York, (1974), 147—150.
[74—2] On the laws of relativistic electro-magneto-fluid dynamics, Comm.
Pure Appl. Math., XXVII (1974), 749—808.
[75—1] Hyperbolic equations and conservation laws, Proc. of Symp. on Diff.
Eqns., Pretoria, (1973), ed. N. Sauer, National Research Inst. for
Math. Sci., (1975), 1—15.
[78—1] Conservation equations and the laws of motion in classical physics,
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., XXXI (1978), 123—131.
[79—1] Remarks on the notion of state in quantum mechanics, Found. Phys.,
9(1979), 515—524.
[80—1] Von Neumann’s Hilbert space theory and partial differential equa--
tions, SIAM Review, 22(1980), 486—493.
[81—1] Unobserved observables and unobserved causality, Comm. Pure Appl.
Math., XXXIV(1981), 273—283.
Lecture Notes
Issued at New York University unless otherwise noted
[40—1] Linear operators and their spectra (With R. Courant and J. J. Stoker).
[41—1] Fluid dynamics and applications.
[41—2] Applied mathematics.
[41—3] Fluid dynamics (WithR. von Mises), Brown University, same as Books
[43—1] Methods of mathematical physics (With R. Courant), Notes by
D. Bernstein.
[43—2] Non-linear mechanics (With P. Le Corbeiller, N. Levinson and
J.J. Stoker), Brown University.
[43—3] On the mathematical theory of gasfiow, flames and detonation waves;
5 lectures.
[44—1] Heaviside operational calculus, lecture course.
[45—1] Lectures on non-linear elasticity.
[45—2] Methods of advanced analysis.
[45—3] Energy principle and energy method, Methods of Advanced Analysis.
[45—4] Linear operators and their spectra, with applications to quantum
mechanics (With R. Courant and J. J. Stoker).
[46—1] On nonlinear vibrations of third order. Studies in nonlinear vibration
[46—2] Selected topics in fluid mechanics.
[47—1] Introduction to Advanced Analysis.
[46—3] Lectures on topology.
[48—1] Methods of mathematical physics; Lectures.
[48—2] Spectral representations of linear operators.
[48—3] Lectures on advanced ordinary differential equations, same as Books
[65—1]; reissued in 1956.
[49—1] Lectures on functional analysis and applications.
[49—2] Recent developments in the theory of wave propagation.
[50—1] An approach to integration over a space of infinite dimension,
Seminar, Mathematical physics.
[50—2] Spectral representation of the one-dimensional wave operator, in:
Spectral theory of a second-order ordinary differential operator, by
F. Rellich, with an Appendix by K. O. Friedrichs.
[51—1] A chapter in the theory of linear operators in Hilbert space.
[51—2] The theory of wave propagation.
[52—1] Special topics in fluid dynamics, same as Books [71—1].
[53—1] Special topics in analysis.
[55—1] Nichtlineare Differentialgleichungen, Vortrage gehalten in Göttingen,
(Lectures given in Göttingen).
[56—1] Riemannian geometry and theory of relativity.
[57—1] Integration of functionals; notes for joint seminar (With
H.N. Shapiro).
[60—1] Spectral theory of operators in Hubert space, (See Books [73—1] ).
[63—1] Well-posed differential equation problems in mathematical physics,
[65—1] Introduction to mathematical physics.
[65—2] Introduction to advanced analysis, (1965).
[68—1] Formally dual spaces, uniform rotundity and representation theorems,
Chapter from Course on Functional Analysis, (1968).
[70—1] Pseudo-differential operators, an introduction. Notes prepared with
assistance of R. Vaillancourt, (revised edition), (1970).
[72—1] Mathematical methods of electromagnetic theory, Lectures given in
1972—73, Notes prepared with assistance of D. Isaacson, (1974), 265 p.
[77—1] Conservation equations and the laws of motion in classical physics, Six
lectures given at C. W. Post Center, Long Island University, Res. Rep.
Unnumbered reports were issued at New York University and listed by Professor Friedrichs but no copies have been
[42—1] Supplementary remarks on reflection and deflection of sound in water
(With R. Courant), AMG-2, (1942).
[43—1] On the basic law of fluid thermodynamics, AMG-33, (1943).
[43—2] Interaction of shock and rarefaction waves in one-dimensional media
(With R. Courant), AMG-1, (1943).
[43—3] On Busemann’s diagrams for steady (stationary) shocks, AMG-4,
[43—4] Note on theory of rocket motors, AMG-27, (1943).
[43—5] Remarks on the Mach effect, National Defense Research Committee,
Appl. Math. Panel Memos #38.4M and #38.5M, (Appl. Math.
Groups-N.Y.U. Nos. 5 and 6), AMG-5, (1943).
[43—6] Disturbances in the propagation of sound due to the presence of domes
(With R. Courant and J.J. Stoker), (1943).
[43—7] Mathematical theory of the influence of a dome on the directivity
pattern of sound beams (With R. Courant and J.J. Stoker), (Part III
and Appendix to Part II); (With E. Bromberg, R. Courant and
J.J. Stoker), Part IV), AMG-24, (1943).
[43—8] On configurations involving three shocks through one point modified
by Meyer waves, Appl. Math. Panel, NDRC, AMG-21, (1943).
[43—9] Remarks on the reflection of conical shocks; Appl. Math. Panel,
NDRC, AMG-19, (1943).
[43—10] Remarks on the theory of exhaust nozzles.
[44—1] Theoretical studies on the flow through nozzles and related problems
(With R. Courant), National Defense Research Committee, Appl.
Math. Panel Report 82.1 R (Appl. Math. Group — N.Y.U. No.43),
AMG-43, (1944).
[44—2] Shock conditions and detonation conditions, (1944).
[44—3] Remarks about R. P. Fraser’s reports on jet research, AMG-47, (1944).
[44—4] On supersonic compressors and nozzles (supplement to AMP report
82.1 R), (with W. Grossman, M. Johnson and C. DePrima), AMG-77,
[44—5] Explanatory remarks concerning oblique shock fronts on
A. Busemann’s paper, AMG-40, (1944).
[44—6] Supersonic flow and shock waves, a manual on the mathematical
theory of non-linear wave motion (With R. Courant), Appl. Math.
Panel, NDRC, AMG-62, (1944).
[44—7] On momentum and energy balance in the wave produced by a flying
bullet, AMG-71, (1944).
[44—8] On airfoil of minimum drag in supersonic flow, AMG-82, (1944).
[45—1] On airfoil in a flow with Mach Number 1.6, AMG-114, (1945).
[45—2] Remarks on the mathematical theory of detonation and deflagration
waves in gases (supplement to manual on supersonic flow and shock
waves) (With R. Courant), AMG-127, Appl. Math. Panel, NDRC,
[46—1] On the mathematical theory of deflagrations and detonations, Naval
Report No. 79—46, Bureau of Ordnance, IMM-154, (1946).
[46—2] On the effectiveness of various modes of detonation or combustion,
[47—1] Formation and decay of shock waves, IMM-158, (1947).
[47—2] On the non-occurrence of a limiting line in transonic flow, IMM-165,
[47—3] Water waves on a shallow sloping beach, IMM-168, (1947).
[47—4] The dock problem (With H. Lewy), IMM-169, (1947).
[50—1] Remarks about the effect of the detonation wave on the liner of a
shaped charge, (1950).
[50—2] A mechanism of precursor formation (With J. B. Keller), (1950).
[54—1] Nonlinear wave motion in magneto-hydrodynamics, Los Alamos
#LAMS-2105, Physics, (1954), reissued (1957).
[55—1] On the adiabatic theorem in quantum theory, Part I, IMM-21 8, (1955).
[56—1] On the adiabatic theorem in quantum theory, Part II, Degenerate
adiabatic transitions, IMM-230, (1956).
[56—2] On the partial difference equations of mathematical physics (With
R. Courant and H. Lewy), English translation of Papers [28-2],
NYO-7689, (1956).
[57—1] Notes on magnetohydrodynamics, V: Theory of Maxwell’s equations
without displacement current (With A. A. Blank and H. Grad),
NYO-6486, (1957).
[58—1] Notes on magneto-hydrodynamics, VIII: Nonlinear wave motion
(With H. Kranzer), NYO-6486, (1958).
[62—1] A finite difference scheme for the Neumann and the Dirichlet problem,
AEC Comp. and Appl. Math. Ctr., NYO-9760, (1962).
[77—2] On the mathematical theory of deflagrations and detonations,
Chapter 2 in Lectures on Combustion Theory, eds. S.Z. Burstein, P.D. Lax
and G.A. Sod, COD-3077-153, (1977).
Major Awards and Honors
of Kurt. O. Friedrichs
Guggenheim Fellow 1962
First recipient of Applied Mathematics and Numerical
Analysis Award given at the National Academy
of Sciences of the U.S.A. in Washington, D.C. April 24, 1972
Humboldt Award 1974
The National Medal of Science for 1976 awarded by
President Carter in Washington, D.C.
“... for bringing the powers of modern mathematics to
bear on problems in physics, fluid dynamics and elasticity.” November 22, 1977
Honorary doctoral degrees
Technische Hochschule, Aachen June 24, 1971
Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala, 500th Anniversary September 30, 1977
Technische Universitat September 27, 1980
Carolo Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig
Columbia University May 13, 1981
New York University October 30 1981